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Learning to Lead as Followers of Jesus
Lesson 1: Leadership with Structure by Dr. Bob Burns

This site provides a lot of seminary classes online for free. It is a great resource. I used to take Fuller online classes, which provides a similar kinds of online class, but I have to pay around 1400 per class. But the class in this site is free and I think that the quality is even better. You can check by yourself. I took entire church history classes from this site. It was more than 40 hours of online lecture with transcripts. People tend to underestimate the value of any kind of free stuff. But regarding the Christian educational resource, there are so many good open materials that you can benefit from. This is one of my favoriate and I would love to come back and finish more classes such as Calvin’s InstitutesFrancis A. Schaeffer: The Later Years and Apologetics and Outreach.